Make people perceive you however you want | “Amplification”
1) As a wise man once said, “People only know what you tell them”.
I think it was Abagnale from Catch Me if You Can.
It’s true, you can make anything, sound like anything.
The art of this looks like amplifying things that ARE true, but that aren’t quite the way that you say, or nearly as impressive.
Lying, without lying.
2) You can do this for a resume, the way that you want people to perceive you for a particular reason, or for starting a business, or for making your job easier.
Resume would be making your experience and personality seem way better and more applicable than it really is, for a role.
People’s perception of you shouldn’t be getting people to like you for the sake of it, but for the sake of potentially making your words more valuable, and yourself ironically more trustworthy.
Making your job easier could be the way in which you explain unfortunate things or maybe even discounts to customers in the retail store that you work in.
Like painting a particular discount as being super rare, when it’s not.
Or calming down a customer by firstly painting their complaint as very complex to handle, but that there are some loopholes to solve them, which you’re gonna go through JUST for them.
3) Marketing with intention is selling.
Don’t be afraid to do this, because everyone’s always selling something.
You’re selling yourself when someone asks something about you; you’re trying to paint the value that you hold.
Even in a monetary sense though, everyone’s tryna make money, so it’s not bad.
Just like I’m launching a $4000 week workshop after this, although I’m only charging like $19 for it. Heheh, join the Peaky Pines Email Community!
4) Amplify yourself TO yourself using Reconditioning Sentences.
It’s a strange dichotomy.
If you decide that you’re the kind of person to be a certain way, you can talk as if you already are that, which could mean making normal attributes of yours sound especially good.
So you can market yourself honestly, but favourably.
5) That’s it!
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