Riley Caldwell

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How to Make your Life More Enjoyable (A Guide)

Do you want practical tips on how you can live a life of happiness, fulfilment and excitement when you wake up in the morning?

The main thing is to find passion and purpose - ultimately that’s what you’re lacking.

So here are 4 ways you can realistically make your life more fun and meaningful. (These should actually help)


(For convenience - don’t skip imperative information buddy…)

  1. Identify What You Truly Want and Why

  2. Uncover whether you’re spontaneous or a planner

  3. Implement set weekly habits on set days

  4. Be more vulnerable and have more honest conversations

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Identify What You Truly Want and Why

If it currently feels like you have nothing going on in your life and are struggling to find enjoyment - your first task is to identify what you truly want out of your life and why you want it.

I’ve provided a free template to do this properly if you subscribe to the email list.

This is for you - if like many people - you don’t feel excited when you wake up in the morning to conquer the day. Perhaps you dislike your job, don’t feel comfortable with the people in your life or don’t enjoy school/university.

Many people will tell you this feeling is normal - which IT IS - because it’s been normalised. And I’m not saying you should feel on top of the world everyday, but you know whether you’re content with your life or not…

If you aren’t, the next step is simple. FIND YOUR “WHY?”.

For me - I decided that I wanted to share the things I was learning about self-development, the human mind and other significant aspects of life such as money, energy and health - with others.

I also wanted psychological freedom - to not feel restricted by anything.

So I made some changes to account for that - which helps me feel contentment day-to-day.

Let me share some of these with you…

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Uncover whether you’re spontaneous or a planner

ESPECIALLY relevant for young adults and teenagers - finding this answer is a key step to making your life more interesting.

Here’s a quick story…

I used to be spontaneous as a younger teenager and got enjoyment out of unplanned days with my friends. However, as I got older and felt like I wasn’t achieving my potential (seriously, I was thinking about this at 16), I decided I needed to get more done and so I began to plan out my days.

Since then, I’ve become a planner and make detailed to-do lists the night before. Yep, every night.

I also identify how long I think each activity will take. Although, I mostly do that with work, so I can fit my “play time” in between.

This simple step makes your life more productive and meaningful as you are more intentional with your actions, don’t feel so lost and you become more engaged with daily activities.

Planning out what you want to get done gives you purpose and increases the enjoyment you get out of life. When you know you did what you needed to, it makes relaxation time way more enjoyable.

But, how do you know what to put on your to-do lists? Let’s explore that. ↓

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Implement set weekly habits on set days

Let me cut to the juice and just give you examples of what I mean.

  • Every Friday - I upload a (sometimes) funny photo of myself to Instagram with a philosophical, weird or educational caption. I look forward to this.

  • Every Sunday - I begin writing a new blog for the week. I look forward to this.

  • Every Saturday - I upload a new Youtube video. I VERY much look forward to this.

  • Every 2nd day - I work out. I…occasionally look forward to this.

  • Every morning and night - I do mindfulness/meditation. And you guessed it…

Having all these set activities gives purpose to my life, a sense of fulfilment and it means I RARELY feeling miserable or depressed. Which is something I used to feel quite a bit…

Wow, right?

Basically - you ACTUALLY need to do things in your life in order to make it feel exciting or interesting.

You might be thinking about now, “That sounds so repetitive. My life already feels repetitive.”

The thing is - it’s not repetition that makes us sad - it’s the lack of meaning and purpose behind those repetitive activities.

When you do things just because someone said that you should, but you give no thought to why doing it helps you get something you want – either short term or long term – that is what makes you feel powerless and depressed.

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Be more vulnerable and have more honest conversations

In life, one of the biggest destroyers of happiness and excitement these days - is a lack of connection.

Again, if you’re feeling like many people do, that you’re not really connecting with the people in your life or feel truly motivated and inspired by them… then you need to be more honest and vulnerable. That’s where the connection lies.

Small talk ain’t gonna’ cut it.

For me - I’ve changed a lot the past couple of years. Which means I have stopped resonating with many of the people I used to call friends.

If you feel like the connections you have aren’t as strong as they could be…

Here are 4 changes you can make today to ensure that you are surrounded by the people who are meant for you.

  1. Don’t force smiles - it’s so common but I think can get really energy-draining and ultimately, it’s not beneficial for making real connections.

  2. Don’t give false compliments. If anything, tell whoever you like to engage with that you like one of their personal characteristics.

  3. Be honest with your opinions and feelings. ONLY if you’re asked and engaging with the other person though. You don’t need to be throwing your opinions around everywhere…

  4. Put yourself out there. Join groups of people who talk about what you feel an intrinsic attraction toward - which could be self-improvement and personal growth or it could be football or surfing or art or even collecting stamps! If you’re into it - find others who are into it too.

    So, get out there and start speaking to more NEW people wherever you go.

These will make your life more enjoyable because you’ll be spending time and energy on people who are on the same path as you (which you can find with the previous steps) and you’ll find more honest connections.

That’s it!

Kind regards, my friend.

Until next time,


By the way!…

If you want access to the “Find Your “Why?” Template…

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