Riley Caldwell

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Using visualisation to stop being lazy… forever? (Lazy Mind Palace)




  • Stop psychological laziness using vivid visualisation.


  • Using visualisation to stop being lazy… forever?

Firstly why’re you lazy?

Because the consequences of being lazy are perceived as too low, while the benefits of being productive in that instance aren’t perceived as high.

Plus, you’re currently the kind of person to have this perception.

So, what needs to be done?

Make the consequences seem really bad. Make the benefits seem really good…

And become the kind of person who has this perception.

How’re we gonna do this?

Mind Palace.

Otherwise known as the Method of Loci.

What is a Mind Palace?

It’s a physical place in your mind with different ideas, things or concepts disguised as tangible objects, that you associate in certain ways in order to remember it all.


While it’s usually used for studying and exclusive memory tournaments, we’re gonna stretch its psychological applications.

So how can we use this to achieve the stuff in step two and therefore reduce our levels of laziness?

1) Identify the kind of person who has a favourable perception:

Ambitious and wants to go very far (will mean different things for all of us)

Questions themselves and why they do certain things.

Accountable for their thoughts and actions.

Understands the significance of every decision made and that they compound.

2) Now, brainstorm what it truly means to be lazy in the circumstances where you’re the most laziest.

For example, watching TV instead of learning something new could mean that: you miss out on other people’s perceptions and experiences, which leads to you making more mistakes in life, which leads to being more likely to die or not reaching your potential.

This lets down your family and all generations to come after you, you’ll be a worse parent and will contribute net-negatively or neutrally at best to the world.

Keep going and going.

Same shit for what it truly means to thrive and do the work.

We’re gonna use this later, but it also contributes to our understanding of who is, “the kind of person who has a favourable perception”.

3) Now form a Mind Palace with a room for each trait…

One room for ambitious might include different things you think of when you think of “Ambitious”.

For example, Ambitious Mind Palace:

  • Storage room at Dads.

  • Walk in, look down to see a green coconut. (response = step over it)

  • Look to the right to see a random blue rectangle placed laterally on the wall. (response = point fingers left to right, ABCD)

  • Move on and on the wall on the right again is a portrait of a green pineapple. (response = left hand on hip, hand to mouth for a reflective pose)

  • Move forward to see a random hallway in the corner of the room (blue lined like another big rectangle). (response = just walk straight)

4) Once that’s done, we’ll form a Mind Palace Duplex for each Trait room that you’ve created

One side is you embodying the trait, and the other side is the benefits of that.

You change as you walk through the door to the other side of the duplex, according to the traits you’ve embodied.

Example: Calmness one side.

Adversity (table = 1) Breathe in response.

Be present (red chair = 2) Gently cusp hands together.

Witness your surroundings (squeaking and subtly moving rocking chair = 3) Close eyes.

Truly feel painful sensations (spiky doormat on table = 4) Run hands up and down it.

Outcome: (door = 5) Remain un-phased and continue. Walk through its light.

Example: Connections the other.

Hugging Summer.

Sitting with group of people.

Controlled jiu jitsu submission.

Feeling love for everything around me.

5) Do one trait per day, according to the Value Activities that you brainstorm in the morning.

Value Activities are things you do to embody Values that’re meaningful to you.

Like “certain of myself” is important to me.

If I mostly brainstormed “certain of myself” on a particular morning, I’d do stuff that aligns with that value during the day.

Then, build Associative Habits from here, incorporating the Mind Palace for that trait.

I’ll go through my own example in a little bit…

My entire personal process through this video, so you can understand what your next step is.

This is reconditioning by the way, no bullshit short-term stuff.

I’ll put a link to a private google doc in description, where you can view all of my answers, to get an entire understanding of what you must do.

But here’s a rough outline:

1) To stop being lazy, identify the kind of person who has a favourable perception:

Ambitious and wants to go very far (will mean different things for all of us)

Questions themselves and why they do certain things.

Accountable for their thoughts and actions.

Understands the significance of every decision made and that they compound.

2) When am I the most laziest?

  • When I’m supposed to be researching and writing a new post.

What does this truly mean?

  • I’m lazy when I’m supposed to be writing a new post.

    • I’m NOT putting out assets into the world, to build upon the credibility of my name. Which means that it is CERTAIN that I’ll end up with less credibility to my name and therefore be respected less by society as an influencer and as a person. Which will likely roll over somewhat to my own current and future relationships, like to my woman, my family and my children. Which will lead to me being less happy and potentially letting down those around me, the generations of my family to come, and of course myself. This means that I’ll be more likely to live an unhealthy lifestyle and not live as long.

    • I’m not building upon my own knowledge or forcing my brain to work. Which means that I’ll be a worse leader for the Peaky People, as I’ll genuinely become less intelligent over time, and will only have a surface-level understanding of anything that I talk about, ever. Which means that I’ll fail to help people as much as I want to, and will also likely lead to me becoming a more clueless human being, who’ll stress out more easily over the adversities of life. This means that I’d have failed at my purpose, and will also lead to me having a poorer quality of life and NOT embodying Psychological Freedom.

What’s the alternative?

  • Being extremely focused when I need to research and write a new post.

    • I’m putting out assets into the world consistently, therefore making it certain that my name progressively builds a more and more expansive brand behind it. One that’s positive. Which leads to me meeting more people and giving out more value to those people. Which leads to me becoming more of the kind of person who has strong connections, and who’s respected as an individual. This leads to me having a greater personal and practical capacity to build a successful career, or business. Which leads to me being able to more certainly and quickly build a life for myself and those around me that is favourable and filled with passion and purpose.

    • I’m building upon my own knowledge and forcing my brain to think. Which means that I’m able to understand the complexities of things, and then simplify them to create lessons that I can take into my own life. This means that I can also pass on these lessons, in order to help other people better handle life as well. Which leads to those people passing on those lessons to their own loved ones and their future generations. Which may ultimately help create healthier family blood lines and contributing to the Psychological Freedom of humanity.

3) Trait Rooms.

Ambitious Mind Palace:

  • Storage room at Dads.

  • Walk in, look down to see a green coconut. (response = step over it)

  • Look to the right to see a random blue rectangle placed laterally on the wall. (response = point fingers left to right, ABCD)

  • Move on and on the wall on the right again is a portrait of a green pineapple. (response = left hand on hip, hand to mouth for a reflective pose)

  • Move forward to see a random hallway in the corner of the room (blue lined like another big rectangle). (response = just walk straight)

4) Duplex.

Ambitious Mind Duplex:

  • Through the end of the hallway, I walk into the light and change.

  • I see a 401,000 subscriber count, then a 200,000 email community, then a 27,000 Discord, then a… hehehe

  • I see a large home in a beautiful place, the Peaky People surrounding me.

  • I see the Peaky Playbook, with a few different people at a long, wooden table.

  • I see a collection of 50+ Peaky People lined up on a livestream as we talk.

  • I see the Skool course curriculum.

5) An example of a “certain of myself” Associative Habit with a Mind Palace Trait would be:

  • I associate the timer going off for brainstorming my Value Activities, with clapping my hands twice and closing my laptop.

  • I associate that with picking up my chair from underneath me and sitting back a step, then placing my hands in my lap.

  • I imagine the mind palace for the main trait that I’ve brainstormed.

  • I associate walking through the door to the other side of the duplex, with interlocking my fingers and walking around inside.

  • I associate that with opening my eyes and my laptop.

  • I associate that with hitting a 20 minute pomodoro timer and saying, “I’m the kind of man who’s certain of himself”.

  • Which I associate with doing the first thing on my to-do list, of which I am CERTAIN to do in a particular order.

That’s it :)

A big thing for today is that goal-setting is not about achieving things, rather it’s about embodying them now.

It’s a long-term solution to many problems, as you embody the kind of person who does particular things that’re in line with your goals, and therefore you achieve them now.

A practical step that helps in reducing laziness, is the “Do Something Principle”.

Basically, doing something creates momentum and then you do more stuff.

So, create an easy Associative Habit for when you’re lazy:

E.g. Associate clapping your hands together twice, with twisting to face behind you and dropping down to do 5 butt wags in a squat position, which you’ll associate with standing up and turning around again to shake your hips 3 times left and right. Which, you’ll associate with doing something on your to-do list (even just a shitty or easier version of it) for 2 minutes before forcing yourself to stop.

And finally, an understanding that helps in reducing laziness, is knowing that the simple act of imagining one of your mind palaces whenever you find yourself being lazy, reconditions you to embody that particular trait.

Similarly, acting on your “Do Something Principle”, is neurologically instilling in you the Associative Habit and its underlying intent to lead to productivity.

And, knowing that everything you do, at least as a general rule of thumb, should represent the Values that you want to live by and the Traits that you want to embody as an individual.