How to stop lacking connection | boundaries/sex
1) Intro
2) Watch your relationships
3) Be genuine
4) Loving yourself
5) Become a new Person in 30 Days.
Good Morning!
Be careful that you don’t hang out with people for the sake of junk food, alcohol, casual sex that’s holding you back from finding real and deep connections.
These are relationships fuelled by dopamine, and not actual feelings of love for each other.
If you look around at your friends, and notice that you only really ever drink a lot together, smoke together, vape together, .
Look at your “romantic partners”, and notice whether you just meet up for sex, or whether you actually like going out with them or just spending time together doing other things.
The most meaningful things abide by the Law of Time Distortion.
Hanging out in unique circumstances, for somewhat of an extended period of time, creates a feeling of “I don’t know you, but I feel like you should’ve been in my life for years”.
Watch your relationships
Don’t get comfortable with fake or shallow friendships.
And be careful that you don’t seek out casual sex.
Check out neotantric sex dawg.
Transmitting sexual energy between yourself and your partner.
Not aiming for orgasm.
New sensations and a feeling of deep connection.
Long term connections will give you more meaning.
A romantic relationship built on a foundation of boundaries and honesty and authenticity, are likely to stay together longer.
In an evolutionary sense, if they had a child, the kid would be more likely to be raised securely by two loving parents, rather than having one leave or the whole household be unstable due to a lack of honesty, disrespect of boundaries and whatnot.
Like-wise, if you have poor friendships, than you can make a fair argument to say that those friends won’t be there for you in times of trouble.
Be genuine.
Be careful that you don’t suppress your personality from people.
Ensure that you’re being honest and vulnerable with others, and allow THEM to be vulnerable with you.
Not judging them, and not mentoring them.
Further, ensure that you’re accountable for your actions.
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME that you notice yourself blaming someone else for how you feel, calling something "stupid", a "waste of time" or victimising yourself - take a moment.
Breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth. *search up " diaphragmatic breathing ", it's crazy*.
Ask yourself, "hold on, how can I use this to learn more about myself?" or "hold on, why exactly am I feeling this way?"or "what if it isn't their fault?".
Loving Yourself
Ensure that you work on having a loving relationship with yourself, before you can begin having loving relationships with other people.
This includes boundaries.
Set boundaries about what you’re okay with sexually, what you’re okay with people saying to you, what kinda of activities you are or aren’t okay with, etc.
This will ensure that you’re surrounded with people who respect you, and who love you for who you are.
A stronger sense of identity means that you’ll also meet more people who’re actually on your Peaky Path.
Here’s a basic Reconditioning Sentence to say at the start of your day to instil boundaries into who you are:
“I’m so glad that I feel no urge to drop my personal boundaries and give in to when people ask for my time or my energy. Unfortunately, many people seem to say that they want to stop giving so much of themselves to others, but then they stretch their private boundaries or start people-pleasing again, as soon as someone wants or needs something from them. Good luck to them. Now, time for the day”.
You can find out what personal boundaries you should be setting with this process:
1) Find your “What?”
2) Find your “Why?”
3) Find your “Who?”
4) Ask yourself, what would this person be okay, and not okay with?
Verbally tell your family and romantic partner what your boundaries are now, and then more physically just start demonstrating them around your close friends and then to other people.
Also, come to love yourself in your current state of being.
The nuance in accepting yourself in this way, but still striving to be better, is simply understanding that humans are flawed, and that’s okay.
For me personally, the Understanding of Cluelessness helps here. I could dislike my own personality and always get anxious or angry about it, or I can laugh at the fact that my brain’s being silly, just like everyone else’s brain’s being silly.
Then, I can just aim to improve the way that I am as a person, and the way that I feel in whatever way that I can.
That’s it!
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