Watch This To Never Procrastinate Ever Again (Day 9)
WATCH THIS if you’re currently procrastinating
If you’re a procrastinator, you should definitely watch this…
Watch this to never procrastinate ever again.
Watch This To Never Procrastinate Ever Again.
Procrastination isn’t okay. Here’s how you can finally fix it…
1) Intro
2) How to start a new habit | The 2 Min Rule
3) How to get motivated to study or to workout | The “Do Something Principle”
4) How to not care what others think | The “Understanding of Cluelessness”
5) Why can't I achieve my goals? | Find Your Purpose
6) How to build confidence in yourself | Value Activities + a Track Record of Execution.
7) Learn more.
Hello, World!
The power of taking ACTION, rather than staying in “motion”.
To end procrastination forever, you need to start with 2-minute habits.
These habits must be productive though.
Notes is motion, answering sample test questions is action.
Because answering the questions challenge your mind more than notes.
You must do these habits frequently AND consistently, as the frequency is what truly builds any habit.
How to use the “2-min rule” kind of thing to ensure that you perform an action that will positively impact your proceeding choices.
“Try Stuff, Learn stuff, Do stuff”.
Do it frequently, as that’s what creates habits, not consistency or time.
Motion is easier than action.
People unconsciously view action as unnecessary, because they’re convinced that motion is productive.
Potentially, they also think that the action is risky, even though NOT performing the action is also very risky, because there’s logically no chance at reward.
This is what leads people to watching video, upon video and just taking notes to study, because it’s easier than recalling flashcards in different games and stuff.
We need new positive to move you in the right direction.
A direction involving action.
Let’s explore the 2 minute rule in more detail now.
Hello, World!
The 2 Min Rule
Learn to make the right decision in “The Moment”.
Like the moment where you either decide to open up Steam on your computer, or whether you decide to take a uni textbook out of your bag and whack it on your desk in front of you.
2 Min Rule from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, is easing out of procrastination with something small that takes 2 minutes or less.
Example starting a study session with bottle tap and timer, for 2 mins.
Another example gym for 2 minutes (but more like 5).
Do these frequently.
Reconditioning Sentence.
This will slowly lead to you doing MINIMAL procrastination forever, as you’ll build up faith in yourself.
Use the “2-min rule” to ensure that you perform an action that’ll positively impact your proceeding choices.
The Moment.
Like the moment where you either decide to open up Steam on your computer, or whether you decide to take a uni textbook out of your bag and whack it on your desk in front of you.
The 2-min rule is starting a habit for 2 mins, before forcing yourself to stop. This could actually be doing a couple things, and then whacking your textbook on the desk in front of you.
Another example could be starting a study session using Associative Habits like tapping a water bottle and starting a pomodoro timer, but then stopping after 2 mins.
Another one could be going to the gym for 5 mins (not 2, I know), and then forcing yourself to leave after that 5 mins is up.
You’d do that like 7 days a week, and that frequency would make going to the gym an exceptionally instilled habit, very quickly.
Hello, World!
The “Do Something Principle”
Motivation actually proceeds action, it doesn’t come before it.
Inspire by Mark Manson’s “Do Something Principle”.
Start anything to GET motivated.
One thing leads to another.
This is one of the principles behind the 2 minute rule.
Something similar is manipulating procrastination to do something productive.
Like folding and putting away laundry or cleaning your room instead of study.
Which would help build momentum.
If you want to start in business, use the Do Something Principle.
Something inspired by Mark Manson’s “Do Something” Principle, is the idea that “motivation” actually proceeds action.
As in, if you need to complete a work or school assignment, but you can’t be assed, just go and have a shower, or fold two t-shirts, or fill up your water bottle.
This action often gives you some sort of a motivation to do something else.
The main idea behind why this works, is the fact that faith or confidence in one’s abilities (whether it’s your confidence in yourself, or someone else’s confidence in you to do or to fulfil something), is BUILT UP once you take action, and have a track record of execution to show for your efforts.
This is what’s allowed me to become more confident in myself and in my capacity to fulfil my ambitions, because I’ve seen that I can seriously get shit done.
Just like in business, the best business plan is previous execution, not a history of nothing, but with a big paper or PDF of how the business is going to theoretically work.
The same ALSO goes for jobs, your portfolio or resume proves your track record of execution (sort-of, besides the fact that you can market yourself or your accomplishments in whatever way that you want in a resume), and therefore the employer gains a certain level of faith in you to perform well for them.
Hello, World!
The Understanding of Cluelessness
Nothing you start needs to be perfect, because there’s probably most likely no such thing as perfect.
Starting working out, someone tells you to go heavy as possible, someone else says something different.
Everyone’s clueless.
Just follow your heart in life.
And you’re just as correct as your friends telling you to do different things.
But, we can all still improve in stuff, so remember that.
I’ve talked before about something called the “Understanding of Cluelessness”, where everyone on the planet has no idea what they’re doing, what’s right or wrong or really what’s going on.
Know that this applies to you too, and that nothing you start or complete needs to be perfect, good or even correct.
I’ve been very clueless about what I’m doing on here (because before, it was just a blog, and then some Instagram content), but I just kept doing stuff. Embrace cluelessness, and just do something.
Even if it’s a random thing!
Hello, World!
Find your Purpose!
Find your purpose.
Then you’ll actually want to work hard.
This challenge began with everyone starting the process of finding their purpose.
Download the 10 Q’s to Find Your Purpose.
Also get uncomfortable by looking at how BAD everything could be if you procrastinated forever.
Be pulled by purpose, and be pushed by potential consequences.
In simpler, less daunting terms, find your “What”, your “Why” and then your “Who”.
You might be freaking out right now, but it ’s okay, because I have a resource and an entire community built to help you do this very thing.
Join the Peaky Pines Community to get help, and to help others build mental strength and become the kind of person that they want to be.
It’s expanded by like 900% in the past few weeks, so yeh, just be there.
Anyways, you won’t take action if you have no emotional attachment to that action, and you won’t take action, if you’re not uncomfortable ENOUGH in the position that you’re currently in.
So, look at what you really want out of life (not dependent on any other people’s expectations of you), why you want that stuff, and who would achieve it or live that life.
If you wanna get uncomfortable enough with where you currently are, that you decide to change, you need to identify what would happen if you didn’t achieve the life that you want to live.
And then AMPLIFY that shit.
Hello, World!
Value Activities and a Track Record of Execution
Calculate Value Activities at the beginning of the day.
I brainstorm them in 5 minutes after my first 20 minutes of work at the start of the day.
These might be your “Do Something” activities for times in the day where you’re on break at work, or not working on your hustle.
Constantly progressing, like the frequency that I mentioned before.
Always embodying a better and better version of yourself.
Now, you can pull a sneaky trick to start attaining what you want out of life.
Once you identify the characteristics of this person, you can start embodying them (it’s your Destiny, after all) by using the “Do Something Principle” from before.
Basically, you must become a wise motherfucker for like 5 mins, enough time for you to brainstorm, “what would this person do in their spare time?”, and then make those things your go-to activities for when you’re unmotivated and simply need to “do something”.
Or they can be your activities for when you have breaks from your job, from your work or from your studies.
For example, if the Who must be calm and content, then your “do something” could be doing the yoga pose, “Balasana” or Child’s Pose, like this.
It’s easy as fuck, but you can instil it into your mind that you’re demonstrating the traits of a person who’s calm and present, so while you’re procrastinating, you’re literally moving towards your Destiny.
Then ideally, it’d be easier to take action on more things after this.
But for me, having a strong sense of direction just helps me to stay “motivated” more-or-less the majority of the time.
Hello, World!
That’s it!
“The one who achieves what no one else ever has, simply understands how difficult it is to start. They know that with execution, your mind has evidence, and it starts to believe that you are great. That’s what keeps the winner going”. (The Peaky Pines Playbook 1:6)
Purpose is very important for me not procrastinating, so you should find yours too.
2dn link in description.
Or 3rd link to Join the Peaky Pines Email Community, and talk to other who’ve decided that they’re not procrastinators.
Option to link to /group page as well.
Join the Peaky Pines Email Community to be a part of the 30 day challenge that this is a part of, I’ll send you the lessons here in email format, plus the link to the YT video, every day for 30 days.
I dare you… to Become a New Person in 30 Days.